This might be my 15 minutes of fame. This buttery mix with your favorite cereal and snacks is highly addictive and oh so good. And since it has cereal and nuts can we call it healthy? Not so sure about that...I have made this so many times I feel that it is time to share my secret recipe with you.
Jump to Recipe for Chex Mix

I used to add peanut butter M & M's to this mix but my friend Mary Jo brought me a bunch of chocolate stars and lately that has been the sweet that goes with the salty of this recipe. My secret is that to make Chex Mix by Missy I simply go to the local grocery store and pick up the ingredients below.

That's right! I use the Chex Mix Seasoning Packet to make Chex Mix by Missy. No more needing 10 other ingredients to make Chex Mix butter mixture. BUT, don't follow the directions on the back of the package. Follow my directions right here! I am making a big batch today since we are having a tailgate party at work. GO BISON! You can also choose what you add to this mix but the important part is to follow the measurements I provide.

To start pick 10 cups of your favorite snacks. It is important that you make at least 5 of those 10 cups some type of Chex Mix. I always use Corn Chex and Rice Chex. I also added in Cheese Crackers, Fish Crackers, Nuts and Butter Twist Pretzels. Also, remember that I am making a big batch so my picture has 30 cups of snacks in it.
Let's melt our butter. I use the microwave to melt the butter but go ahead and use the stove top if that is your preference.

The ratio is one stick of butter per package of Chex Mix Seasoning. Remember this is my version of Chex Mix. The back of the package will give you different measurements. Once melted you will add your seasoning packet to the wonderful melted butter.

So easy...Give your mix a gentle stir.

Then go ahead and pour it over your mix. I like to use my yellow spoon to mix it all together.

You are ready to bake this amazing snack! By now you have probably sampled it a few times...right?
Bake at 250° for 45 minutes. Stirring every 15 minutes while it is baking. It will be super hot when you take it out of the oven. Once it has cooled you can add your additions.
RECIPE for Chex Mix by Missy
5 cups of Chex Cereal
5 cups of your favorite snacks: Crackers, nuts, pretzels, fish crackers
1 stick of butter
1 packet of Chex Mix Seasoning
1. In a large roaster pan mix 5 cups of Chex Cereal. Any combination will work.
2. Add in 5 more cups of your favorite snacks. I listed a few examples.
3. Melt your stick of butter.
4. Stir in the seasoning mix.
5. Pour over the snack mixture and mix well.
6. Bake at 250 ° for 45 minutes. Every 15 minutes take it out and stir it then return it to the oven.
7. After 45 minutes remove the snack from the oven and let cool.
8. Add in your favorite sweet snack.

Missy's Notes:
* This can be made gluten free by simply adding snacks that are gluten free: popcorn, corn chips, gf pretzels, etc.
*my add ins for candy include: stars, regular M & M's or peanut butter M & M's.
*this makes a great gift...
